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Mini Whole Wheat Palm Jaggery Appams

Mini Whole Wheat Palm Jaggery Appams
YIELDS1 Serving
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 15 mins
Total Time 25 mins
Process of making:
  1. In a large skillet, mix 1 cup of water and palm jaggery/karupatti. Stir occasionally and allow the jaggery to disintegrate totally. When the palm jaggery has dispersed, take off the heat and set it aside. Scrape and slurp the bananas in a bowl and mix.
  2. Now, add wheat flour, rice flour, elaichi powder, cashew nuts, and soda/baking soda to the minced banana.
  3. Mix deeply, then stress in the karupatti/palm jaggery syrup. Stir occasionally to create a creamy batter.
  4. Heat the paniyaram/appe pan and grease each mould with ghee prior to actually appending the batter to every mould. Cook with a lid on top.
  5. Once the corners brown, cautiously flip it over and simmer till it is done on moderate flame with the cap on. Once done, serve it warm.