
What is Palm Sugar? Is it Really Good for You?

What is Palm Sugar? The sap found in the coconut palm tree's blossoms is used to make palm sugar, a sugar substitute. As it endures limited handling and no compounds are being used, it is referred to as organic sugar....


Top 6 health benefits of kodo millets

Kodo millet is largely a drought-tolerant plant. The coarse sand grain used for human utilisation is Kodo millet. Its grain has a horny seed coat that must be removed before cooking. It began in West Africa and is mainly found...


Coconut Oil for Skin: The Complete Guide

The magical elixir has a defined spot in the kitchen, but it can be migrated to the vanity location and utilised for a range of different items. This is the reason we allude to coconut oil as a full package...


Is Palm Sugar Good for Diabetics?

Palm sugar, also referred to as Coconut Palm Sugar, Palm Jaggery, and Karupatti is commonly utilised as a less damaging replacement for white sugar. It has fewer calories, is deduced from a natural origin, and provides a variety of health...
