Drain the water after 4 hours and meld it into a fine paste in a mixer or blender.
Add just enough water to make a batter.
Add ice water to the mixie if milling. It will inhibit the mixie from excessive heat.
Transfer to a large vessel and sprinkle with salt.
Use your hands to extensively incorporate the ingredients. Fermentation will be assisted by all this.
Place it in a warm spot for 6-7 hours. Millet-based batters generally digest quickly. So, if you reside in warm temperatures, the batter will be drained in 4-5 hours.
Mix thoroughly once it has been brewed.
Accept a small fraction and add a little water to slender it out.
Because we use the batter for 2 days, adding more water to the entire pack will destroy the flavour.
Having left the whole batter outside for a few more hours also will end up making it sour.
Heat up a dosa pan. Render a slender loop with 1.5 castings of Mapillai samba dosa batter.
Sprinkle a little oil in the pan.
Turn it softly once the side is finished cooking.
Simmer for several seconds prior to actually trying to remove the dosa.