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How is Navara Rice different from other rice varieties?

How is Navara Rice different from other rice varieties?

Navara Rice, also known as Njavara, is a unique variety of rice that has been grown in the Indian state of Kerala for centuries. This traditional rice variety is known for its numerous health benefits and rich flavor. In this article, we will discuss how Navara Rice is different from other rice varieties.

Growing conditions:

Navara Rice requires specific growing conditions that are different from other rice varieties. It requires a longer growing season, and the best time to plant Navara Rice is during the monsoon season between June and August. The soil must be moist, and the weather should be humid. Navara Rice is typically grown as a mixed crop with other crops, such as vegetables and pulses, to improve soil fertility and reduce pests and diseases.

Nutritional value:

Navara Rice is known for its numerous health benefits and is often used in Ayurvedic medicine. Navara Rice is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which makes it a healthier option than other rice varieties. It is high in dietary fiber, which helps to improve digestion and prevent constipation. Navara Rice is also low in glycemic index, which makes it a suitable option for people with diabetes.

Texture and taste:

Navara Rice has a unique texture and taste that sets it apart from other rice varieties. It has a firm texture and a nutty flavor, which makes it ideal for making porridges, soups, and desserts. Navara Rice also has a natural aroma that adds flavor to any dish it is used in. Its unique texture and taste make it a popular choice in Kerala cuisine.

Cooking time:

Navara Rice takes longer to cook than other rice varieties due to its firm texture. It takes around 30 to 40 minutes to cook Navara Rice compared to 20 minutes for other rice varieties. The longer cooking time is due to the higher level of starch and fiber in Navara Rice. Despite the longer cooking time, Navara Rice is worth the wait due to its unique texture and taste.


Navara Rice is relatively more expensive than other rice varieties due to the labor-intensive cultivation and harvesting process. Navara Rice is typically grown using traditional methods, which require more labor and attention than modern farming methods. The cost of Navara Rice is also higher due to its high nutritional value and unique texture and taste.

In conclusion, Navara Rice is a unique rice variety that is different from other rice varieties due to its growing conditions, nutritional value, texture and taste, cooking time, and cost. Navara Rice is a healthier option than other rice varieties and is ideal for making porridges, soups, and desserts. Its unique texture and flavor make it a popular choice in Kerala cuisine, and its numerous health benefits make it worth the extra cost.

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