A Food Chart to Prevent Cancer
Cancer can be prevented to a large extent by including a healthy portion of rice and millets in the diet. Intake of B&Borganics Karuppu kavuni rice, rich in anti-oxidant, along with roasted and grounded black cumin and black gram in the form of gruel (porridge) benefits the body to fight the free radicals. Other range of rice varieties offered from B&Borganics like kalanamak (red/ white), mappillai samba, thanga samba, and mysore malli when taken in between prevents cancer cell formation and also helps cancer patients in their treatment. Including powdered black cumin in the empty stomach once in three days for 3 months prevents cancer-related to blood, brain, and stomach.
Millet ranges from B&Borganics like ragi (nachni /kelvaragu, little millet (kutki/samai), pearl millet (bajra/cumbu) are enriched with vitamin B17, iron and other nutrition has a big role in cancer prevention. Ragi can be taken in powdered form in any dish, little millet can be included along with our regular rice to make idli, dosa or Pongal, little millet is often added to the meal in the form of gruel, porridge or chapatti.
> It is strictly advised to follow medications (if any) along with this diet.